General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stories - Page 17
Concerned with the growth of the internet and the inadvertent or otherwise exposure of personal
information to potential bad actors, the European Union promulgated the General Data Protection
Regulation in 2016. The regulation is part of European Union privacy law and human rights laws and
must be complied with by any companies doing business with EU nations. It is designed to give people
greater control over their personal information while simplifying regulatory compliance for international

Majority of organisations that think they’re GDPR compliant actually aren’t
Thu, 27th Jul 2017
data protection
data analytics
A global study from Veritas has made some disconcerting findings, revealing only 2% of supposedly ‘GDPR-ready’ organisations are in fact compliant.

In depth: Symantec talks data privacy, Europe's GDPR & its major impact on ANZ
Mon, 17th Jul 2017
data protection
data privacy
The upcoming GDPR will have a significant impact on data protection in Europe and beyond, according to Symantec's Brian Fletcher.

The 5 essential pillars of big data GDPR compliance
Wed, 7th Jun 2017
data analytics
Almost exactly one year from today, on May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the European Union.

$1.8 MILLION: Average Investment by AU organisations to surge on EU data compliance
Thu, 27th Apr 2017
data privacy
data infrastructure
A global survey from Veritas has made some startling findings in AU that look likely to translate as opportunities for the channel.

Australian economy at risk of losing billions to cyber attacks
Thu, 3rd Nov 2016
data privacy
Cyber attacks could cost Australia up to $16bn, according to a new study by specialist insurance firm Lloyd's. Sydney is the 12th most at-risk city.