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John Key stories - Page 4

John Key, a prolific writer with a keen eye on New Zealand's political and tech landscapes, delves deep into the nation's pressing issues through his insightful columns. From the contentious arena of surveillance and privacy, notably spotlighting the global spying saga involving figures like Edward Snowden and Kim Dotcom, to the evolution of the country's cyber security framework, Key navigates the complex interplay between politics and technology with an adept understanding.

His interests don't stop at New Zealand's borders; Key also explores the impact of international relations on local digital and infrastructure developments, such as rural broadband advancements and dealings with tech giants like Huawei. Through his engaging commentary on government decisions, surveillance legislation, and digital economy debates, Key unravels the intricacies of how technology shapes and is shaped by policy decisions, drawing attention to the broader implications for privacy, security, and democracy in New Zealand.

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Dotcom GCSB ruling… a sad day for NZ
Fri, 30th Aug 2013
green party
It's a sad day for the people of New Zealand when government spies can break the law and not be held to account for it.
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Global hacker fires warnings at NZ govt
Wed, 28th Aug 2013
To the government of New Zealand: you have our full attention and we are watching your every move. Consider yourself warned.
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89% of Kiwis vote NO to GCSB bill
Tue, 20th Aug 2013
The coalition to stop the GCSB bill received an 89% approval rate in Auckland last night, led by Mega founder Kim Dotcom.
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GCSB opposition unites in Auckland tonight
Mon, 19th Aug 2013
labour party
Labour and Mega's Dotcom confront GCSB bill in a powerhouse meeting tonight, urging NZ to defend freedoms against hasty surveillance laws.
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You gotta fight, for Dotcom's right, for transparency…
Tue, 30th Jul 2013
data privacy
Megaupload founder dispatches legal team to Wellington today, as his lawyers fight for full disclosure in New Zealand's highest court.
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Key: Kiwis don't know what they're talking about
Mon, 29th Jul 2013
Prime Minister believes GCSB protesters are either misinformed or pursuing a political agenda as thousands rally in opposition to the bill.
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Rallying Kiwis rebel against GCSB bill
Mon, 29th Jul 2013
Thousands unite across New Zealand in protest against the government's GCSB spying bill, led by Kim Dotcom in Auckland.
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Privacy scare? NZ govt should grow a pair
Fri, 26th Jul 2013
Kim Dotcom's crusade against NZ's GCSB Bill continues, rallying over 400 in Auckland to demand a halt to dangerous spy agency powers.
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Should pressured NZ bow to Dotcom demands?
Wed, 17th Jul 2013
Kim Dotcom may be wanted in the US for alleged copyright crimes, but should New Zealand bow to such demands for extradition?.
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NZ spies carry damaging disguise
Fri, 12th Jul 2013
personal computing devices
NZ plans to extend spy laws spark fears of unchecked surveillance and privacy invasion, questioning the morality of mass data collection.
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Facebook slams NZ spying law
Thu, 11th Jul 2013
data privacy
personal computing devices
Social networking giant seeks an exemption over government proposals which could see over two million Kiwis spied on by authorities.
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Key brands Dotcom's submission a 'circus'
Thu, 4th Jul 2013
data privacy
Showdown between Prime Minister and Megaupload founder didn't disappoint in Parliament yesterday, but was it more PR than policy?.
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Dotcom gets set to question Key
Wed, 3rd Jul 2013
Kim Dotcom prepares to challenge PM John Key in Parliament over NZ's spying agency expansion, promising a revealing showdown.
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The Spy who killed Kiwi Privacy
Thu, 27th Jun 2013
data privacy
Kim Dotcom criticizes proposed New Zealand spy bill, warns of abuse of power by government. Telcos also oppose bill. #GCSB.
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Govt empowers CIO to stop IT scares
Tue, 25th Jun 2013
data privacy
Govt boosts CIO's powers and budget to tackle IT blunders and safeguard public data, following high-profile failures like Novopay.
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In defence of Kim Dotcom…
Thu, 13th Jun 2013
Amid unlawful surveillance of Megaupload's Kim Dotcom, experts demand accountability within government and law enforcement agencies.
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Key: Snowden not welcome in NZ
Thu, 13th Jun 2013
data privacy
personal computing devices
As rumours surface that Edward Snowden may seek refuge in New Zealand, Prime Minister John Key insists the US govt whistleblower is not welcome.
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Dotcom case: Spies under the spotlight
Mon, 25th Mar 2013
NZ Police intensify the Kim Dotcom spy saga, interviewing more government officials over illegal surveillance.
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Dotcom: Sue you NZ Govt
Fri, 8th Mar 2013
The most wanted man on the internet can now sue over illegal government spying, and boy will he take advantage of it.
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Dotcom's extradition case delayed
Thu, 20th Dec 2012
Kim Dotcom's extradition battle postponed to August amid controversy, stretching the high-profile case beyond 18 months.