Netflix stories - Page 5

Netflix still keeping mum about ratings
Thu, 23rd Jun 2016
digital entertainment
nbc universal
Netflix maintains a code of silence around it's data, occasionally teasing the entertainment industry with snippets of information.

Young Kiwis leading the way online
Fri, 4th Mar 2016
digital entertainment
NZ's youth pioneer digital trends, with research showing Gen Y favours online streaming and engages more with digital ads.

Disconnection anxiety hitting home for Kiwis
Thu, 25th Feb 2016
digital entertainment
wireless networks
A new survey reveals just how much of an impact the internet is having on Kiwis - and our anxiety when disconnected.

Netflix officially cloud-native company, thanks to AWS
Wed, 17th Feb 2016
public cloud
Netflix completes seven-year migration of video streaming business to AWS, making it one of the largest companies to operate in the public cloud.

Cyber crims targeting Netflix users - watchout
Fri, 12th Feb 2016
digital entertainment
New research from Symantec has revealed cyber criminals are targeting Netflix users on the back of the company's recent global expansion.

Netflix and pepperoni - lazy man's guide to Valentine's Day
Fri, 12th Feb 2016
digital entertainment
valentine's day
We’ve put together some wonderfully cheesy, hopelessly soppy films to get you in the the mood this Valentine's as you stuff your face with Cheezels.

Kiwis: Say goodbye to US Netflix
Wed, 27th Jan 2016
digital entertainment
Kiwis using VPNs to access Netflix US are now facing blocks as the streaming giant enforces restrictions on global content access.

Netflix goes bye-bye
Wed, 27th Jan 2016
digital entertainment
Netflix cracks down on users accessing overseas programming via VPNs and proxies, upsetting Kiwi and Australian subscribers.

The implications of #NetflixEverywhere: The view of a (near) Netflix planet
Tue, 12th Jan 2016
digital entertainment
At CES this week, Netflix announced that its online subscription service had been switched on in 130 new markets across the world.

It's a wrap: our best stories of the year
Fri, 18th Dec 2015
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
As another year comes to an end and we all get ready to eat, drink and be merry, we take a look back at 2015 in all its glory.

Wireless Nation launches exclusive Netflix device
Fri, 21st Aug 2015
digital entertainment
wireless nation
Wireless Nation launches NightShift, an exclusive Netflix device, to help New Zealand users save time, money and data.

D-Link AC3200 Ultra Wi-Fi Router - the fortress of technology
Mon, 15th Jun 2015
digital entertainment
wireless networks
cloud services
Networking specialists D-Link have created the ultimate wireless router, ideal for large homes with multiple users.

Are TV networks out of step with tech?
Fri, 22nd May 2015
digital entertainment
Ignoring such a public outcry could be seen as a balsy move, or it could highlight just how out of touch with tech mediaworks execs are.

Everything you need to know about video streaming in NZ
Fri, 22nd May 2015
digital entertainment
Kiwis spoiled for choice with a plethora of video streaming services, from Netflix's global hits to local gems on Lightbox and more.

Netflix ranks NZ streaming speeds
Tue, 12th May 2015
digital entertainment
Popular streaming service Netflix has released findings on how Kiwi internet providers stack up in regards to streaming speeds.

Is Netflix and co slowing down your internet?
Wed, 29th Apr 2015
digital entertainment
Is TV streaming impacting ISP performance? Large dips in speed evident during peak viewing hours, according to TrueNet.

Payday for CallPlus founders in $250M sale to M2
Tue, 14th Apr 2015
digital entertainment
M2 Group, the ASX-listed voice and data services company, has agreed to acquire New Zealand's Call Plus for $250 million, gaining the nation's third l.

While you were sleeping: Wall Street erases earlier gains
Tue, 14th Apr 2015
digital entertainment
power / energy
Wall Street fell, giving up earlier gains, as investors positioned themselves for the US corporate earnings season.

First 'Netflix Recommended' TVs revealed
Wed, 8th Apr 2015
digital entertainment
Netflix reveals the first batch of TVs with the Netflix Recommended TV designation. Each will bear a Netflix Recommended TV logo in retail stores.

Samsung ups its TV-streaming game with new deals
Thu, 26th Mar 2015
digital entertainment
Samsung Smart TVs in NZ enhance streaming with exclusive Netflix and PGA Tour apps, offering unrivalled on-demand content.